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It’s possible

Updated: Jul 29

Time for sitting back is over, we need to take the next bold step to SAVE OUR HOSPITAL. There are always nay sayers that believe it’s just too hard to make a difference; that we just have to accept our fate that is driven by someone else. You can change but you need to take that first step. Just like when you first learned to walk you had to learn to stand first.

Fort Erie Healthcare SOS wants to be that help all we need are the numbers to show that we really do care about our people and our town and being able to show a business case for ensuring the health and wellbeing not just of the people that live here but for anyone passing through or visiting. We know lives have been saved at Douglas Memorial, we know families have also experienced end of life ; we know that in both these instances being close to family and friends mattered.

If you haven’t pledged your support yet call us, sign a petition, put up a lawn sign or window sign, send a letter to the Minister of Health or the Premier asking to keep Douglas Memorial open.

We can do this together

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There is nothing left in fort Erie first we lost the slots then horse track now we going to lost our hospital .what is monster is take away next

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Fort Erie Healthcare SOS needs the support of the community, we have not lost yet. We are working hard to make the business case to keep and maintain our hospital. We are always in need of volunteers, if you have an hour or a day we can use your efforts.

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