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Niagara Health's marketing of the future of healthcare in the Niagara Region.

Updated: Apr 1

It seems no-one at Niagara Health, Regional Government, Municipal Governments or the Provincial Government are listening to what the residents of Fort Erie are saying. In case you missed it, the answer is NO to the closure of Urgent Care at Douglas Memorial. YES to expanded public healthcare services at Douglas Memorial.


Niagara Health is holding public engagement sessions to show you the future of healthcare in the Niagara Region, it's not pretty. Niagara Health is beginning with a virtual session on March 12 and in person public engagement at the Leisureplex Banquet Hall in Fort Erie March 19. At all public engagements Niagara Health has indicated there will be a Q&A for the citizens to ask questions of the Niagara Health Panel. Please click on the button below to see the full list of dates and locations of the public engagements and the email link to send in your questions ahead of the discussions.

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